অনুসন্ধান আকাংক্ষাত

Thursday, August 30, 2012

আমি একেখন নাৱৰে যাত্ৰী (We are in the same boat brother)

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

If you tip one end,

You gonna rock the other

Its the same boat brother.

O Lord looked down from your holy place

Said Lord you mean, what a sea of space

What a place to launch does human race does human race

So he built him a boat for a mixed-up crew,

With eyes of Black and Brown and Blue.

And thats the reason you and I

Up just one world and just one sky  

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

if you tip one end,

You gonna rock the other

Its the same boat brother.

We are  in the same boat brother,

We are  in the same boat brother,

And if you shake one end,

You gonna rock the other

Its the same boat brother.

আমি একেখন নাৱৰে যাত্ৰী

সহযাত্ৰী একেখন নাৱৰে যাত্ৰী

যদি সংঘাট হয়, তেনে ধ্বংস হ

গৰ্ব আমাৰ প্ৰগতিৰ

প্ৰভু চোঁৱা তললৈ, সৰগৰ পৰা, হে মহাপ্ৰভু, এই পুণ্য সাগৰ;

এই নাওঁ পৃথিৱীৰ হ, অৱ মানব জাতিৰ,

সেয়ে ইশ্বৰে গঢ়ি দিলে নাবিকৰ দ

চকু কাৰো কলা, কাৰো নীলা, কাৰো পিংগল.....

সেয়েহে আজি তোমাৰে আমাৰ

একেই আকাশ একেই ধৰনী

আমি একেখন নাৱৰে যাত্ৰী

সহযাত্ৰী একেখন নাৱৰে যাত্ৰী

যদি সংঘাট হয়, তেনে ধ্বংস হ

গৰ্ব আমাৰ প্ৰগতিৰ

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

If you tip one end, You gonna rock the other

Its the same boat brother.

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother.

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother,

We are in the same boat brother...

আমি একেখন নাৱৰে যাত্ৰী ৷৷

(ইউনিক'ডীয় ৰূপান্তৰ- বিষ্ণু শ‍ইকীয়া)

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